Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Economics”
2023 Edition
A Quantitative Regression and Volatility Analysis of the Relationship Between Economics and Political Stability
Lucca Forrest
Economics Political Science
My mother was born behind the Iron Curtain in Prague, Czechoslovakia. The communist government stole her family’s belongings and forced them to work demanding physical labor jobs. Wishing for a better life, her family illegally fled across the border and immigrated to America in 1968. The communist government eventually fell in 1989 due to the Velvet Revolution, an anti-communist protest fueled by an economic downturn. In June 1990, Czechoslovakia’s first democratic elections established a new government that transformed the economy by moving company ownership from the state to private entities.
2023 Edition
Framework for Optimal Budget Allocation of HIV Intervention Policies
Ali El Moselhy
Medicine Economics
I began my journey into research in 10th grade (2020). Covid-19 was the style du jour, masks were all the rage, and I was enrolling in a class at my school called Science Research. This class was meant to guide students, helping them reach out to experienced mentors in academia and industry. Initially, I was tasked with finding a broad area of study, for example, cancer, in which I could later specify and find a niche that fit me precisely.
2022 Edition
Analyzing Political and Economic Variation in United States' COVID-19 Response
Abraham Franchetti
Social Science Economics Medicine
Like so many others, COVID-19 has had a major impact on my life. My home state, New York was caught unprepared for the pandemic, at great loss. The ensuing response from government and private entities was scattered at best, and at times dangerous. The immense impact COVID has had on my family, community and country inspired me to research it. As the shock of a pandemic began to wear off, and states began reopening, conjectures about the differences between parties and states were widely articulated in the media and public discourse, with little data to support it.
2022 Edition
COVID-19 Induced Economic Stress: The Effect on Marital Functioning and Methods of Alleviating Financial Stress
Desiree Rigaud
Social Science Economics
Starting from a young age, I had seen people in my life suffer as a result of domestic violence as well as seen and experienced firsthand the stress associated with financial instability. In 2020, the first case COVID-19 was reported in America, thus sparking the news to be flooded with stories of the toll this pandemic was taking on our well-being and the economy. Due to my understanding of the connection between relationship and economic instability from personal experiences, I became concerned about how the economic crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic could affect marital relationships … For many individuals, being in debt and living paycheck to paycheck or based on future paychecks is their reality (Cecchetti et al.
2017 Edition
A Generalized Herfindahl-Hirschmann Index
Michael Wang
Economics was a subject I first discovered in high school a class that all students were required to take which inexplicitly became my favorite class of the year. I was enthralled by the idea of using mathematics to model the behavior of individuals and firms across the country. Until I met my mentor Professor Cheng-Zhong Qin, that is how I saw economics: a collection of simple and elegant theories that described all of economic activity.
2015 Edition
Saving For The Good Life: A Study of How to Increase Savings for Retirement
David Jaslow
It was a routine Thanksgiving dinner at our home on Long Island. Amidst the light banter, I overheard a troubling conversation between two sets of grandparents. One was describing the upcoming trips and recreational activities they were planning with their peers from both Florida and New York, where they had residences. The other couple was struggling to determine if the man-hours they were dedicating to their small retail business was cost effective as their income was slowing to almost a halt.